Why Is My Ex So Mean To Me? – What It Means And How To Fix It

AUGUST 2020 UPDATE : Added A Special Method At The End Of This Article


"Why is my ex so mean and cruel to me"?

This is a question I actually get asked a lot.

People tell me that after breaking up, it's like they can't recognize their ex.

They have become a completely different person. 

Rude, mean, cold, distant. These are all adjectives that you could probably describe your ex with currently.

But why is that?

What actually causes your ex to become mean and cruel towards you?

How can you fix this situation?

At the end of this article, all your questions will have been answered.

Can You Get Your Ex Back?

Wondering the answer to that question? I've created a quiz that will tell definitively if you still have a chance with your ex or if you should consider moving on...

Click this link to take the quiz and find out definitively where you stand...

Why Is My Ex So Mean And Cruel To Me?

Reason #1 You Aren't Giving Them Space

This situation is actually extremely common.

You break up and afterwards, your now-ex will be extremely cold and mean towards you.

What actually causes this?

Well, one of the most common causes is your behavior.

When your ex breaks up with you, it means that right now, they aren't attracted to you.

a couple sitting on top of a rock mountain

Right now, they aren't attracted to you and your behavior can have direct impacts on your ex being mean to you. 

They are currently turned off by you and if you keep begging and pleading them in order to try to get back together with them, you will inevitably make them become mean towards you.

What they need right now is space and if you aren't giving it to them, you can rest assured that you will be making a new enemy very fast.

If you think that begging them to take you back and constantly telling them how much you still love them will make them take you back, you are very wrong.

Instead, they will start to see you as their psycho ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend who can't get over them and will never leave them alone.

I know it can be very difficult to hold off and stop doing this when you still want to get them back but you have to realize that employing no contact is your best bet right now if you want to eventually get them back.

Simply, because you aren't giving them the space and time they need, you aren't giving them any other option but to be mean and cruel towards you.

Reason #2 You Don't Accept The Breakup

I get it...

You want to do everything you can to save your relationship.

I mean, if you didn't care about it anymore, you wouldn't be reading this article.

But you have to understand that with every fight and with every argument you have with your ex after the breakup, you are just turning them off even more than they already are.

man and a woman staring down a sunset

By arguing with them, you are making your ex more inclined to be mean to you.

You see, if they initiated the breakup with you, they are already turned off.

When you try to push yourself back into their life, you will activate all their defense mechanisms and every time this happens, their decision to break up holds more and more value in their mind.

Them acting mean towards you is a direct message to stop trying to win them back.

If you want to have even the slightest hopes of repairing this damage and actually getting them back, it's crucial that you respect their message and give them the breakup for now.

Reason #3 They Don't Want To Hurt You

No, you didn't miss read that one.

Believe it or not, your ex being mean and cold towards you because they don't want to hurt you is really common.

Let me explain:

They broke up with you but in this case, they still care about you as a person and as a human being.

For that reason, they don't want you to have to go through all the emotions of letting someone you love go.

That's why they will act mean and cold towards you and pick fights in an attempt to make you think:

"Oh damn they are so mean and frustrating to deal with, I don't even mind the breakup".

lovers kissing during full moon

The reason why your ex is mean to you could also be that they want to make things easier to deal with and they still care about you.

I know this might sound like a really weird way of thinking about this but trust me, this actually does happen more than you think.

Also, it's not like your ex has this master plan in their head about being mean towards you intentionally.

Human psychology is really complicated and your ex might very well do this unintentionally without even realizing it.

Reason #4 They Still Have Feelings Towards You

I know, another reason that seems really counter-intuitive.

For some reason, your ex has decided that breaking up with you is the best way to move forward.

The thing is, on some level, they still have romantic feelings towards you but they don't want to have them anymore since they are breaking up with you.

The way of coping with this is to act mean and harsh towards you.

pair making eye-contact during sunset

Yes, they could still have feelings for you and that could cause your ex to be mean towards you. 

It's going to make breaking up with you so much easier for them when they can convince themselves that they don't have any feelings for you anymore.

Again, this happens on a subconscious level and your ex will not plan for this intentionally.

Also, you should check out the article on the signs your ex will be giving you if they still have feelings for you in order to find out what are the other things you should look for are in this situation.

How Should I React When My Ex Is Mean To Me?

So, now that you know why your ex is acting this way, what should you actually do about it?

I mean, I think we all can agree on the fact that being treated meanly by anyone isn't nice, let alone if the person treating you this way is your ex.

Give them some space

When they break up with you and you give them some space, it's going to make them respect you just so much more than if you were to just keep bombarding them with texts after texts.

So, when you handle the breakup correctly, your chances of succeeding will become a lot higher.

If you are someone who is in this situation where your ex is treating you like garbage at the moment, just pause everything for a while.

Start employing no contact, and while you are doing so, soak up as much information as you can from this blog. 

lovers holding hands

Soak up as much information as you humanly can during no contact. Educate yourself on the things you need to do.

I understand your pain. Going through a breakup is insanely difficult, especially when your ex is being mean towards you.

This isn't made any easier if you want your ex back.

Fix your priorities

This is a very common situation and I want you to assess honestly whether this applies to you or not:

Were you prioritizing them over everything? Were they your number one priority?

You see, against what most people think or say, prioritizing your partner over your own life isn't actually that attractive.

I know that the media might portray it that way and your partner might even see it as a plus in the beginning. 

Prioritizing your partner over your own life isn't actually a good idea though.

couple looking at a beautiful view

Trust me when I tell you that prioritizing your partner over anything else is not the best way to go about things.

When you prioritize your partner over yourself, you are going to feel like the world is ending if you two break up.

That's why I recommend that you start working on yourself right now and even when you do get them back, don't stop.

Don't make them the number one priority again. Make yourself the person you pay the most attention to.

Now, I don't obviously mean this in a narcissistic way. All I'm saying is that you shouldn't make your partner your entire life. You should have your own life too.

AUGUST 2020 : Employ Brad Browning's Ex Factor Guide

This is the final step you need to make if you're looking to get your ex back.

This man is about to change your life...

If you just want to stop them being mean to you and you don't care about getting them back, then just employ the advice above and move on with your life.

However, since you are reading this article, I'm going to assume that at least on some subconscious level, you would like to at least try another time with your ex...

If that is the case, I want you to drop whatever you are doing right now and go watch the video I'm going to link down below.

In it, Brad Browning is going to teach you a method that is going to FORCE your ex to feel so much emotional obsession towards you that they have no other choice but to crave you back.

Now, the above might sound impossible to you right now, especially if you're ex is acting mean towards you, however, I want you to know this:

If you watch and employ Browning's ex back method to the TEE, your ex WILL come crawling back into your arms sooner than you think.

Before I give you the video link, I NEED to make one thing clear.

ONLY use this method to form a deep and meaningful relationship with your ex and do NOT abuse Browning's technique just so you can toy with your ex's emotions once they are completely devoted to you.

==> Click Here To Discover A Foolproof Technique You Can Use To Become Completely Magnetic To Your Ex. Start Controlling Their Emotions Today (Video Tutorial).

Good luck!

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