Hi there! It's Isabella here and today, I thought I would introduce you to something I have been doing almost daily for the past few months now.

I call it my own "morning juice" and it is something I have gotten very fond of because of how amazing it makes me feel!

Without further ado, here are the ingredients:

-1 Tablespoon apple cider vinegar

-1 Tablespoon lemon juice

-1 Teaspoon ground cinnamon

- 2 cups boiling water

- 2-3 drops Liquid stevia

And there you have it!

All you need  to do is stir these ingredients together and then drink the drink every morning.

Why is this so good?

Ever since I started drinking this drink constantly, I feel like my skin has had far less blemishes than before. I also feel like my digestion has improved a ton and this in turn makes going through life a lot more enjoyable as I'm not bloated after every single meal.

Do I know for a 100% fact that this is all due to the apple cider vinegar? Well... No , not really. But I haven't changed anything else in my life and I can feel the benefits coming in so I strongly suspect that this morning drink is the cause.

Does it taste good?

Well, no, not really haha. I mean it's not a disgusting taste by any means but is it this delicious amazing drink that I can't wait to have each morning? Not really.

I just keep taking it because I like how it makes me feel and I feel like there are benefits for me.

I know the ingredients in this drink also have scientific background behind them as to why they are healthy and good for you but I'm not really a science interested girl so I just took the ingredients I heard were good for me, mixed them together and then drink the resulting product haha.

Seems to be going pretty well for me...

Anyways, that's the drink recipe I wanted to share with you. I really hope you give this a shot and tell me not only about the taste but also how it makes you gal's feel!

As always, this has been Isabella writing to you and definitely let me know how it goes!