How To Make Your Man Feel Wanted – The Skill That Made Him Forget Any Other Woman Even Exists

I came home from work and saw that my boyfriend's friend was over since his car was in the driveway... But NOTHING could have prepared me to what happened as I walked through the front door.

"Be honest... Who was better in bed?"

"Well... I mean, the blowjobs she gave... they were just something else. But it's not like I can do anything about it. It's like she had this ability to suck my soul out and I don't think I'll ever experience that again."

Yeah. Apparently they hadn't heard me.

My own boyfriend. Telling his best friend how his ex was better in bed and how she "knew to give him blowjobs that were just something else."

Hearing those words literally felt like I got kicked in the stomach. I mean LITERALLY it felt like all the air was sucked out of me and I couldn't breather for a good 5-seconds.

For a split second I thought about what to do next...

"I'm home" , I yelled with the happiest fake voice I could do, acted like I hadn't heard anything, gave him a kiss and wander off into our bedroom.

My name is Isabella... And this was my worst nightmare. Probably EVEN WORSE than my worst nightmare. 

There I was thinking I was at least competent at giving a blowjob. He never complained and even came from them??? But no, no, no. He wished it was his ex doing it instead.

The worst part about all of this?

I knew who his ex was... And I'm not going to lie. For a good 5-minutes after the little "overhearing" incident I described above, I hated her more than I think I've ever hated a human being. I could just picture the smug look on her face if she knew what had just happened.

Then it started hitting me.

I had a decision in front of me.

I could either get mad at my boyfriend (who I loved more than anything) about his secret fantasies and probably make the situation even worse.

Or, I could try to learn what his lovely ex knew... That I didn't.

I'm not often the first person to swallow my pride but in this situation, I knew I had to learn what she knew. I wouldn't even describe myself as an overly jealous person but it was like some higher primal power took over me and told me that I HAD to know what this other woman knew.

So I started googling...

And then googling some more...

And reading forums...

And watching videos...

They all sucked.

Most of the stuff I found I either already knew, or I had already used in the bedroom.

A day went by. And I had made almost 0 progress. I felt terrible. In fact, ALL I could think about was his ex and those sweet amazing sucking and licking motions she must have used on my boyfriend back in the day.

Then it hit me.

We had a mutual friend. Me and my boyfriends ex. And she was closer to me than she was to her.

The craziest thought came over my head:

Should I tell this friend about my little "overhearing" accident? Ask her if she knew anything useful? I mean, there was always the risk that she would just tell the ex everything and I would make a fool out of myself but I was starting to question whether or not I really had any other options.

So I contacted her. And without exaggeration, what happened next changed the course of my sex life forever.

You see, as soon as I had finished telling all about my "overhearing" story to this friend, I saw an odd looking smirk on her face.

"Why are you smirking" I asked?

"Luke's guide. That's what you need" That's what **** used too (his ex)."

There was quite a long conversation after that but to sum it up, this is what I found:


The key to incredible sex was being able to fulfill your partners deepest and most secret desires and this was done through mind-blowing blowjobs that almost no women could give.


There was an exclusive guide out there you could get published by someone called Luke detailing everything one would ever want to know about giving the type of blowjobs to a man that literally makes him question reality and completely addicts him to you for life.


Apparently, my boyfriend's lovely ex and all her friends had used the advice of this guide on their men and every single one of them had had incredible results. 

After that, she told me she'd link me the "Blowjobs of Desire"  book that was supposedly behind all these incredible results.

Now, let's be honest. I didn't know whether I was being made a fool of heavily here or I was about to make the discovery of a lifetime. However, as soon as my friend had texted me the link to this book, I clicked on it and started reading the introductory page.

Here is Luke's Blowjobs of Desire for you to check out as well

On the page, the focus was heavily on how blowjobs influence his brain and make him want to commit for life...

And the more I read the page, the more I found myself wanting to click the "buy now" button on his page.

You see, I had always though that to TRULY be someone men WORSHIP and DROOL and OBSESS over in the bedroom, you can't have a flabby stomach, or the big thighs, or the saggy butt like I had...

But Luke was telling me the complete opposite.

He was telling me that as long as you fulfill his deepest desires and fantasies with your mouth, he will see you as the most incredible and sexy woman ever.

After my purchase was completed, I have to admit I was a bit nervous. I didn't know what to expect. If I had to describe it somehow however, I did feel like I had just gotten a "secret advantage" compared to other women.

And then I locked myself in a room with this Blowjobs of Desire book that was now downloaded on my phone.

The next 6 hours were spent on preparation.

I was going to become the ultimate QUEEN of blowjobs and nothing was going to stop me.

Never in my life have I had so many "aha" moments than when I was reading Blowjobs of Desire. And I'm not just talking about regarding to blowjobs. I learned so much about how men work and what makes them happy in a relationship that it was almost information overload.

I started fantasizing what it would feel like to be the center of every one of his dirty thoughts...

What it would feel like to have him obsess over me like I was some sort of a sexual goddess...

Most importantly, what it would feel like to give him pleasure unlike anything he has ever experienced in his life before...

I have to admit, the first time we were in bed after reading Blowjobs of Desire, I was both nervous and excited.

We started going at it... And I started using some of the stuff I had learned from the book.

And I have to say. It was ridiculous. Better than I could have even imagined.

He was moaning and almost screaming. I was doing things to him I thought I could never do and I could just SEE his face light up. It was crazy I felt like I was a part of the Harry Potter universe and I was casting some sort of a love spell on him.

Now, I don't want to turn this blog into an erotic novel but seriously, it was INSANE.

All I will say is that that night involved him shakingscreaming and shouting almost as if he had just had a seizure... Unlike I've ever seen him do before.

He couldn't stop asking me where I had learned all of this... And I just gave him a flirty smile and said "Don't worry about it..."

It's safe to say that afterwards, I felt like I was completely on top of the world and like I had just unlocked a superpower.

It has now been a month since that night... And I have to say, it has probably been the wildest month of our relationship.

I'm no mind reader... But I can quite confidently say that he is not thinking about his ex anymore... Or any other girls for that matter.

But that hasn't even been the biggest change in our relationship...

The biggest changes have happened OUTSIDE our bedroom...

You see, all the little things that annoyed me about him before are now gone. It's like he has become the perfect boyfriend...

I feel like he just treats me like a complete goddess all the time now, all thanks to learning how to rock his world in a way no other girl can.

If I'm being serious, I've NEVER seen him be as affectionate, kind, understanding and compassionate... And it's all due to just learning how to fulfill his deepest fantasies and desires in the bedroom using Blowjobs of Desire.

For example, just yesterday he bought me flowers and chocolate after work and then gave me a long massage followed by him telling me how much he wants to spend the rest of his life with me.

And he does this consistently.

This is something I never even dared to WISH before knowing about Blowjobs of Desire.

But I think it's about time I stop talking about myself.

I'm pretty sure that by now, you are dying to read Blowjobs of Desire as well and I don't blame you.

I can quite confidently say it will be one of the most valuable discoveries you ever make.

If you didn't see the link above, I'll link it to you down below once more. The same exact page I went through to get it.

If you want to completely take control of his erotic mind to the point where he literally gets goosebumps of arousal just from the thought of you...

If you want to make him worship you like his own personal queen... Unlike anything he has ever done before...

Or if you want him to forget any other woman out there and completely cheat proof your relationship...

Then Blowjobs of Desire might be the most important thing you'll ever access...

However, before you click the link and start your journey with it, I have to ask you to agree to just one simple guideline.

This is a book that has the potential to get a guy completely obsessed with you both sexually, and emotionally... Which can have some consequences.

ONLY use these techniques to form deep and meaningful relationships and do NOT abuse Blowjobs of Desire just so you can toy with a man's emotions once he is completely devoted to you.

==> Click This Link To Learn How To Make Him Want You So Much That He'll Forget Any Other Woman Even Exists. Start Controlling His Emotions By Making Him Completely Sexually Obsessed With You. Blowjobs of Desire



P.S. You’ll learn more about the erotic imagination of men in the time it takes to read the book than you would in a lifetime on your own so I would suggest that you grab something to drink, get a comfortable position and prepare to have your life changed...

22 thoughts on “How To Make Your Man Feel Wanted – The Skill That Made Him Forget Any Other Woman Even Exists”

  1. CRAZY effective.. I’ve never seen him as wild and as LOUD than after buying Luke’s guide holy crap… He even came faster than he ever has haha! If only I had this since the beginning of our relationship…

  2. I’ve always been the type of girl who is a bit on the shy side when it comes to bedroom things and I must say WOW… This helped me with my confidence and expressing my own desires so much. And I have to mention, seeing the look on his face when I know I’m giving him so much pleasure is absolutely amazing!

  3. Never have I felt more wanted and desired by him than after applying the techniques taught in Luke’s guide.. I’ve also heard him make noises I’ve never heard him make before!

  4. Didn’t even think there was anything wrong with my bedroom skills but have to admit that this has been a total game changer for our relationship!

  5. Anyone reading this… you OWE it to yourself to read Luke’s book it is almost magical how effective it is at making your man love you and desire you more than ever. He has now started to even take me on more dates and just generally be more attentive towards me. Crazy!

  6. Luke’s guide has become the most valuable thing I have ever downloaded on my phone. Even after a month of having it I still check back on it to refine everything haha!

  7. Been with my man for many years already and never once have I heard him be as loud and in as much pleasure than the first time after using Luke’s guide on him… Thank you so much for the recommendation!

  8. This was the best thing I could have ever imagined for our relationship! The feeling of making his eyes roll back and almost giving him a seizure is truly something else! Best money I’ve ever spent.

  9. I never thought I would be able to be this sexy in his eyes… If only I would have had this always I think I would be married by now…


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