Texting is a fun and light way to talk to guys and set up dates. However, there are certain things you should never send a guy and today, I'll break down exactly what those are.
I'm going to thoroughly explain why texting these things is not the best idea and how you can improve your texting game by a mile. This is all meant to educate you so don't take anything I'm about to say personally. Take it as a learning experience.
If you combine this article with the complimentary video I'll link to you at the end of this article, I GUARANTEE you, you will be able to attract ANY guy you desire just with the phone you hold in your hand right now.
Without further ado, let's get started.
#1 The Good Morning Text
Oh my god... This is one of the worst things you can send a guy and allow me to explain why since this might surprise a lot of people.
Think of it from a guy's point of view. You just met this girl and you have been texting him for a few days. Then, all of a sudden you wake up to a text from her that says "good morning" with a bunch of emojis.
You really think the guy is going to be like "damn that's really cute" or "holy, I'm so turned on by this text I just got"? NO!
What he instead will be thinking is something like this: "oh great here is another basic girl pretending to be nice just to hit on me thinking it will make me like her more". This will not work.
Guys aren't stupid. When you send them stuff like this they know damn well why you are doing it. They will not find it "cute".
Now, an important disclaimer: if you ask a guy about this, he will tell you the exact opposite of what I just told you but don't believe it whatsoever. Guys who claim they want a good morning text don't actually know what they want.
The only time this is acceptable is if you know for a flaming fact that the guy is already into you and in that case, you can text him pretty much whatever you want and get away with it.
#2 The "You There?" Text
If I had to recommend one text you could use to destroy attraction to someone, it would be this one. This is honestly one of the absolute worst things you could send a guy.
You know what I'm talking about...
When you are texting a guy and he doesn't respond so you hit him with a "hey, you there"?
The reason why sending a text like this is so bad is because it literally screams insecurity.
It is never appropriate to text a guy and ask him why he is not responding to your texts or to double text him in a way that lets him know you are mad that he didn't respond to you. This kills attraction.
If you are texting a guy and he doesn't respond to one of your texts, it should not flip your world upside down.
You need to work on having a mentality where even if a guy doesn't respond, it doesn't cause you to check your phone for the next 6 hours wondering what he is doing and why he isn't responding to you.
Now, there is one, and one only situation where you can use the "you there" text and that's if the guy knows you are being sarcastic and just playing around.
#3 The Drunk Text
This is a given...
Never text a guy when you are drunk. Trust me when I say that you will regret it later.
I know it sounds like a great idea in the moment and the temptation will be strong but seriously, don't do it. It will jeopardize your chances of getting the guy because it will automatically make him think less of you.
However, I do know that this is hard to avoid. You know how it is when the alcohol starts to kick in and your mind starts getting frisky... You want to hit up that special guy.
Now, this isn't inherently bad but you will make it bad because you will most likely end up saying something stupid because you are drunk and the worst part will be the next morning when you will regret all the stupid stuff you have texted the night before.
#4 The "What's Up?" Text
Please, I beg you, don't open up a conversation like this. You need to figure out something more interesting to say.
If this is the best you can do, it's going to be an instant turn off for the guy, I guarantee it.
You can literally be a perfect 10/10 in terms of looks but if you are texting someone "what's up", you are immediately downgraded because it shows the guy that you can't think of anything interesting to say.
There are so many better things you can say than to just say "what's up". For example, instead of saying "what's up", say "so, what kind of world-changing accomplishments did you achieve today?". This is literally 100x times better than just saying "what's up" and allow me to explain why:
A text like this will set up a playful vibe when texting a guy. The kind of flirty vibe you want because it shows the guy that you aren't taking the conversation too seriously.
You see, unless you are talking to Donald Trump, the guy you are texting obviously didn't achieve anything world-changing that day. It makes the conversation interesting instead of dry and it helps to set up that teasing vibe that will help make the guy more interested in you.
#5 The "Nudes At The Wrong Time" Text
Look, there is nothing inherently bad with sending nudes to a guy... if you have already formed a flirtatious vibe with him and you are talking about sexual topics.
When it isn't fine is when you have just started texting him and you haven't really formed any kind of bond yet. You haven't really flirted and you haven't really teased each other.
If you hit up a guy with a nude too early, he is going to be turned off and I can bet my life on that.
At first, he will think "oh sweet, that's a hot body". After a while however, his thought will shift into "well, I wonder how many other dudes she sent that to".
As you can see, it immediately lowers your value in his eyes so before sending anything, make sure you have flirted with him and teased him enough.
#6 The Stalker Text
I know very well that when a girl really gets interested in a guy, she is going to dig every bit of information she can find of him.
Now, don't mention this to the guy.
If the guy mentions to you how his dad is actually living on the other side of the world but you already knew this because you have looked at his Facebook posts from 2010, act surprised!
Look at it from your own perspective. If your friend tags you in a photo where you two are bowling and the guy immediately texts you: "so, how was bowling?", you are going to feel creeped out right?
It might feel flattering at the beginning where you just think it's cute that the guy is so interested in you but there is a fine line and you need to make sure you don't cross it.
#7 Rapid Fire Questions
When you feel like a guy is unresponsive, it might seem like a great idea to ask him questions with the ideology of "now he has to respond".
"What do you do for a living?" "Where do you live?" "What hobbies do you have?" "What's your favorite color?"
The first thing I want you to know is that asking multiple questions in a row gets tiring real quick and you might even annoy the guy. You see, not only do a lot of other girls send him these types of questions, but he will also feel like he is being interviewed for a job.
When he feels like he is being interviewed for a job, the flirtatious vibe from your conversation has been completely destroyed and the sexual tension has been shut down.
It also gives the guy pressure to have the correct answers for everything and leads to him eventually giving you boring one-liner responses.
Now, don't take this the wrong way. It's not bad if you ask the guy some questions while texting. It shows him that you are interested in him. However, when you ask something and he answers, dive deeper into that same question instead of asking another one in a row.
#8 The "Please Validate Me" Text
Insecurity can easily creep up on you when you are texting a hot guy.
If you aren't the epitome of confidence, it can feel insanely tempting to text the guy something like this:
"Hey! I just thought I'd check up on you, haven't heard from you since I last texted you".
This just screams insecurity.
Don't seek the guy's approval through texting. Don't ask him why he likes you or if he still likes you through texting. Demanding information is always a turn-off to a guy, no matter if you have just met or if you have already been dating for a while.
If you do this for too long, he is going to stop talking to you altogether or even worse, he will start lying to you and telling you what you want to hear instead of the truth which is that he hates when you seek his approval.
#9 The Essay Text
I know you might have the most epic story in store for him but please, save it for when you two are seeing face to face.
Don't send a 2000 word essay to the guy describing every little detail that happened to you during your day. Unless you two are already really interested in each other, the guy isn't going to care enough to fully read and grasp every detail of your story.
So, instead of texting him your story, read my article on how to ask him to hang out and then you can tell it face to face and continue your flirtatious and fun vibe.
#10 The I'm Bored Text
PLEASE Don't text a guy anything like this.
If you do, you are shooting yourself in the foot at it's most literal form. You are telling the guy you are boring and that you have nothing to do.
This is the exact opposite of what you want the guy to think if you want him to be attracted to you. You don't want him to think you are boring, you want him to think you are living the most badass life ever, even though that might not actually be the case.
It also makes you seem like you don't value your time and that you require other people to fill your time in order for you to not just get bored.
Look, he is not there to entertain you. If you can't figure out anything to do by yourself, how is the guy going to see you as a snatch?
#11 Any Type Of Breakup Text
I hope this doesn't surprise you.
ANYTHING to do with breakups should not be handled through text. I know it might seem easier to break up over text but seriously, don't do it.
Just picture the situation on yourself: You are sitting there happily eating your breakfast and you get a text saying: "it's over". Feels terrible right?
So, if you are in a relationship with a guy and you want to break up, act like an adult and do it face to face. I guarantee you will feel much better about yourself when you do it this way.
#12 The One Word Passive-Aggressive Text
These are my personal biggest pet peeve when it comes to texting...
If you are talking to a guy and for some reason, he makes you angry, please for the sake of everything, just tell him that you are angry instead of acting passive-aggressive.
Again, picture telling a story to a guy over text and then when you have finished writing the text message, the guy replies with "k". It feels terrible, doesn't it? It feels like he doesn't care at all and he just wants to get out of the conversation as soon as possible.
Now, if your intent is to close the conversation and that's why you are giving these short responses, there is a much better way of going about things.
Instead of responding with "k", respond with "Alright, good to hear. I'm going to have to head out now so talk to you soon".
The Text He NEEDS From You - Complimentary Video
At the beginning of this article, I told you about a special complimentary video I wanted you to watch... and we've now arrived at that point where it is time for you to find a good spot, find some earphones and watch the most important video of your life... that is if you want to attract a guy easier than you ever thought possible.
Down below, I've left a link to you that will introduce something called "Love Commands" to you.
If you've never heard of "Love Commands", they are basically sentences you use with a guy that provoke him to feel a sudden rush of addictive love for you in a way where he won't even be able to look at you without feeling butterflies in his stomach...
If you're immediately skeptical... I get it.
However, please be warned. Once you actually use this on a guy of your choice, here is what is going to happen with a 100% certainty:
First his heart will start to race.
Next, his breathing will get faster.
Then, you will flood his brain with something called norepinephrine... Also known as the "excitement hormone".
By the time this has happened, he will suddenly feel a rush of intense desire towards you, almost as if he has been forced to drink a real life love-potion.
This is so powerful, it will even work on that guy that completely rejected you in the past or the guy that currently doesn't have ANY feelings for you.
Still don't believe me?
Just watch and see...
Good luck!
This was such a wake up call goddamn!
Glad to have helped haha!
Woah… thank you so much for this! I’ve always thought of my self as a bad texter and this just confirmed my suspicions haha! Used the full system you linked at the end of the article and my results have been absolutely incredible!
Happy to hear that you found value from this!!
Have to thank you for those bonus love command texts… I sent them to my crush and he immediately has now started to compliment me constantly and I think this could lead to something!
I believe it will! Happy for you Sophia!:)
Love commands was a total game changer and worth every penny !
Yup!!! My friends have started using it too and they are getting amazing results as well!
Never even considered that a “what’s up” text would be bad to send! Thank you for the advice !
Happy to help Mary!
If anyone’s reading this having doubts about love commands, you NEED to try it! The advice it contains completely changed my life around!
Amazing to hear that Jennifer!
After I used Daniel’s advice on a guy I like, it truly felt like I casted some sort of a real life love spell on him haha! Can’t wait to see where this leads but we are going on a date soon!
Keep using the advice and you will do great! I’m super happy for you Olivia!
Great and helpful article!
Thank you!