12 Body Language Tricks To Attract Men + The One Hollywood Trick You Can Use Tonight

Most human communication happens non-verbally and today, I started thinking to myself: "what type of body language really attracts us guys?"

So, in an order to help you girls out, here are 12 body language tricks you can use to attract men.

I'm going to thoroughly explain why these body language tricks work so effectively and by the end of this article, you'll have a much clearer idea of how you should act around guys.

At the end of this article I'll also link you a dramatic complimentary video that is going to teach you how to use the same tricks Hollywood screenwriters use in their movies to captivate the mind of ANY man you choose and make him feel strong attraction towards you.

Combine this article with the complimentary video and I can guarantee you that before you even know it, you will become the last thing he thinks about before he goes to sleep and the first thing he thinks about when he wakes up...

Without further ado, let's get started.

#1 Eye Contact

First off, proper eye contact...

When you see the opportunity, lock eyes with your crush. Don't immediately look away. Stare at him for a few seconds and slightly part your lips. 

Girls often don't have the courage to look their crush right in the eye when seeing them and I get it, it's terrifying...

But if you can gather the confidence to pull this off, you will instantly separate yourself from the other girls around you.

When you add in parting your lips to the mix, you will have a seductive gaze that melts his heart.

seductive eye contact

Good eye contact is the first thing you need to learn when it comes to body language you can attract guys with.

Also, I'm going to let you in on a little guy secret:

Guys often test girls when passing them on the street for example by looking at them in the eyes and then seeing how they react. The usual reaction is either no reaction at all or a quick one second gaze. 

When you lock eyes with a guy and then hold the gaze for a few seconds, it signals strong confidence and seductiveness to the guy. 

So, lock those eyes and part those lips, he will take notice!

#2 Play With Your Hair

It's no secret that guys find girls hair attractive. Super attractive.

Now, unlike what most girls think, you don't actually have to have this perfect long wavy thick hair for guys to find it attractive. Literally, as long as you have hair, guys most likely find it attractive. Not even kidding.

Hair is also one of the most powerful tools you can use when flirting with a guy. Twist it, brush it, flip it, stroke it behind your ears. Just play with it. It's one of the sexiest things a guy can witness.

When you combine that with the eye contact I mentioned above, there is going to be some serious signals going on between you two.

#3 Use Slow But Controlled Movements

This is simple. Don't move in a panicked fashion or in a rushed manner. 

Just take a deep breath and realize that you are the queen! You aren't in a rush and you aren't getting pressured by anyone.

When your body language is clear and strong it signals a sense of security. The guy will sense strong self-confidence and value in you which then leads to him thinking of you as someone more attractive!

Does He Like You?

Wondering the answer to that question? I've created a quiz tool that calculates whether or not your crush likes you based on multiple science based signs...

Click this link to take the quiz and discover his true feelings for you once and for all...

#4 Have Open Body Language

So many girls cross their arms, cross their legs and have a look in their face that signals they are about to murder someone. 

As you can probably guess, this isn't the most attractive thing for us guys.

Sit with your arms open. You can put one leg over the other in a feminine way if you want. This will make you look way more approachable.

The goal is to look like a girl that guys can talk to and approach easily. Not like a girl that will punch a guy in the face if she gets approached.

#5 Talk With Your Hands

Talking with your hands draws more attention to what you are saying from the guy.

Why is this a good thing?

Because guys see this as a signal of inner confidence and they see this as playful.

Instead of thinking "oh sweet, here is another shy unconfident girl" they will think "She really knows how to use her hands when talking... I'm intrigued..."

You can also use this as a seduction tool. You can caress your hair and arms, or you can playfully fidget around a little bit.

#6 Always Stand Up Straight With Your Shoulders Pushed Back And Chest Out

This doesn't really need further explanation. 

Slouching is not attractive. Not to girls and not to guys. Puffing your chest out not only exposes some of the sexiest parts of the female body (even if you think your boobs are small), but it also gives off a confident vibe.

As you have hopefully learned by now, confidence is everything when it comes to attracting guys.

#7 Speak With The Right Voice Tone

Speaking with the right voice tone...

Alright, in most cases this actually just means to speak louder!

If a guy can't hear what you are saying, he isn't going to care enough to stand around trying to decode what you are saying.

So many girls speak with this really quiet voice tonality which then leads to awkwardness when the guy tries to make out what the girl actually just said.

To save the awkwardness, just raise your voice tone a bit. You don't have to shout that's obviously not what I'm saying but just speak louder than you think you have to. 

#8 Smile

Simple right?

Just smile.

Too many girls I see have that constant resting bitch face look on their face. When you smile, you appear positive, confident and just generally approachable.

I know you might not be having the best day... I know smiling to strangers and guys is not easy... But once you get into the habit of doing this, you will just appear SO much more attractive in the eyes of men.

woman smiling

Get into the habit of smiling and you will see how guys start treating you differently.

#9 Touch Him Subtly

Touching is one of the most powerful ways you can flirt with a guy. Trust me, the girls that know this take advantage of it. A lot.

The key is to send little signals to the guy where you signal that you might be interested in him. I'm talking about a light pat on the arm if he makes a joke or an "accidental" leg touch under the table.

What I'm not talking about is assaulting the guy with your fingers. Make it subtle. Trust me, guys realize if you touched them. Even if it only lasted for a second. Then you can watch how the guy reacts and go from there.

#10 Get Closer To Him

By getting closer to him I'm not talking about invading his private space.

I'll give you a great example where you can use this trick to turn a guy on. When you are talking to a guy in a bar or a club or any other loud place really, lean into him and whisper your words into his ear.

Right now with the situation the world is going through, I realize that you aren't really going to be at the bar a lot...

However, this can work in any situation where you are seeing him face to face... You just have to get a little creative.

#11 Facial Expressions

Your facial expressions can convey a lot to a guy so use this to your advantage.

When you are talking to a guy, lock eyes with him. Show him that you are genuinely interested in what he has to say. 

Arch your eyebrows, nod when he talks and mirror his facial expressions. If he is smiling at you, smile back!

Think about all of the most popular actors. Nearly all of them display almost over the top looking facial expressions. When guys are talking to a girl, they take notice of the girl's facial expressions.

#12 Use Lips To Your Advantage

Oh my...

This is easily one of the most powerful body language tricks you can use to attract men.

When talking to a guy, bite your lower lip gently. That's it.

When the guy notices, it's a clear signal to him that you are subtly flirting with him.

EVEN if he felt nothing for you beforehand, I guarantee you that when he sees you biting your lip while talking to you, you will be sending shivers down his spine...

The Secret Hollywood Screenwriting Trick - Complimentary Video


At the beginning of this article I mentioned a complimentary video that was going to explain to you how to use the same tricks Hollywood screenwriters use in their movies to captivate a man's mind and literally FORCE him to feel strong attraction for you.

Down below, I have linked you this special complimentary video where a relationship expert Amy North explains exactly how she discovered these screenwriting tricks and formed them into an easy to follow texting system you can start using as soon as tonight.

She found that by sending texts using the same formulas Hollywood screenwriters use to keep you watching an addictive show...

You will stir up emotions inside him...

So he can't stop himself from responding to you right away...

And he will think about you non-stop when you're not around...

Causing his feelings for you to deepen and intensify.

In fact, when you send a man this text message...

Don't be surprised if he becomes strangely drawn to you...

And don't be surprised if that man who's been distant in your life begins calling you, texting you, and telling you how he's ready to commit to you... forever and always.

It doesn't matter if you've just met him, or if you're married to him...

If you truly want to learn how to make a man obsess over you with a push of a button (literally), click down below to watch a video presentation where Amy North herself reveals this secret text message that every man is dying to hear.

When you watch this video all the way to the end, you will never have to worry about a man's lack of commitment or attraction again. This simple text message might be the most important thing you will ever send from your phone..

However, before you click the link and watch the video presentation, I have to ask you to agree to two guidelines.

#1 The video you are about to watch reveals a text message that has the potential to get a guy completely obsessed with you. ONLY use this message to form deep and meaningful relationships and do NOT abuse Amy North's tips just so you can toy with men's emotions once they are completely devoted to you.

#2 This presentation is ONLY being made available for a limited time and the server it's on can only take so many people at once. If you're not going to use this text message, please CLOSE THIS WINDOW IMMEDIATELY to free up your server slot for the next person in line.

If you agree to all the above...

==> Click Here To Discover  A Secret Kind Of Text Message That Is Going To Make The Man You Use Send It To Completely Devoted To You, And Only You. Start Controlling His Emotions Today. (Video Tutorial).

Good luck!

14 thoughts on “12 Body Language Tricks To Attract Men + The One Hollywood Trick You Can Use Tonight”

  1. Amy’s texting course was so amazing! It really shed some light on things I though to be true of men and I’m currently going through the full guide eagerly waiting for the right time to use it!

  2. I feel like there has been some sort of a curtain pulled down now and I know EXACTLY what men want after learning from Amy! She truly knows what he is talking about I have to admit…

  3. Anyone reading this… You NEED to watch the video that is linked at the bottom of this article! I watched it a few weeks ago, got the full system off of it and I can’t even BEGIN to explain how much my life has changed afterwards!!:)


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