How To Get A Boyfriend In College – The GUARANTEED Way

The time in college is one of the most stressful time periods you will go through in life, but what's even more stressful is trying to go through it while looking for love.

Today, in an order to majorly help you out, I'm going to explain exactly how to get a boyfriend in college.

Also, this isn't going to be one of those articles where the author just tells you how bad of an idea getting a boyfriend in college is and tells you that you should focus on your studies instead.  You want a boyfriend right? Here is how you get one: 

First, Work On Yourself

If you seriously want to get a boyfriend especially in college, the first thing you need to work on isn't trying to impress guys. It's working on yourself.

Before you even think about trying to get a boyfriend, ask yourself the following question:

Do I know what I want? Do I know myself?

Now, relationships are a good way to find out more about yourself but if you don't have a foundation to build on, you aren't going to get very far.

If you don't know what you are looking for in a partner, you are going to end up attracting the wrong guy which then, in turn, will eventually lead to your heart being broken.

Now, if you answered yes to the above question and you feel like you are ready, here are the best ways to meet and attract your future boyfriend:

Invite Guys From Class To Study Later

This is perhaps the easiest way to meet new people (guys) and get to know them better while in college.

You should take advantage of all the classes you attend and invite people to study those classes later.

study group woman

Study groups are an amazing way to meet new people (not just guys) so you should definitely take advantage of them.

Now, this is especially true if you are good at said classes because then it will be even easier to get people to study with you because they need help.

Also, don't have the mindset where your only goal is to invite the cutest dudes to study with you. You can invite basically anyone (girls too) because the larger the circle of people you know, the larger your chances of meeting that special someone.

Related Article : The Strangest Thing Men Desire - Do This To A Guy And He Will Chase You To The Ends Of The Earth (Literally).

Get A Job At A Place Where People From Your College Also Work

This is another really easy thing you can do to expand your social circle and meet new people.

You can get a job at the local movie theater, the gym or even at your college campus if there are jobs offered there.

As long as people from your college work there and you have the time for it, why not right?

You get to meet new people who can then invite you to parties and other places where you can meet guys. Also, don't forget about the extra money you will make. It's all benefits.

Clubs & Activities

There are hundreds of clubs and activities offered in college and they are easy ways to meet new people because you will be spending a lot of time with the other members of the club and you already have a common interest.

People like to talk about things they are interested in so forming a conversation with the guys there will be really natural.

Also, despite what you see in movies, college clubs are not just for the unpopular nerds.

Go to your college's website or social media and try to find a club that you are interested in.

Now, the club can really be anything. You never know when your dream guy is waiting around the corner. He might just be a part of that knitting club offered at your school.

Talk To Guys You Sit Next To In Class

This should go without saying but if you are looking to meet new people (and your future boyfriend), you should expand your social circle as much as possible.

Just because the guy you sit next to isn't your type doesn't mean he doesn't know anyone who is. So, talk to as many people as you can in class and don't be the shy person who never says anything.

a man and a woman talking

Talk to the people you sit next to in class! They might not be your dream boyfriend but they might know him.

Seriously, there are so many people who just go into a class and then sit there, without ever saying a word to anyone. Don't be this person.

Trust me, as long as you don't look like a total creeper, people (and especially guys) will be responsive and really happy to talk to you.

And, if you do look like a total creeper, see my article on how to get a boyfriend if you're ugly.

Add Interesting Guys On Social Media, Even If You Barely Know Them

You might think this is weird but it really isn't.

Yes, you can add people you have only talked to once on social media. You can even do it if you have never spoken to the person.

Trust me, guys won't find it as weird as you fear and it will instead be a pleasant surprise to them.

Let me tell you a story that might really change your mind about this.

So, as you have probably already realized, I'm a dude. This one time, a girl I had never spoken to added me on social media and said: "hey, I heard you are into music, what instrument do you play?" 

It was really random, but we instantly started talking and it eventually led to us exchanging numbers, etc.

This also works well in college because let's say you were at a party. The next day, you just add everyone you met there on social media and boom, your social circle just grew by a lot.

Also, I recommend using Snapchat as the platform to add people on. Snapchatting is lighter than texting and people are more willing to give out their Snapchat than their phone number. Click here to read my article on how to get a guy to like you over Snapchat.

Be Unique

Not only does getting a boyfriend require you to find someone who is the right fit, but it also requires him to think of you as the right fit too.

an attractive girl

Try to always present the best version of yourself.

So, how do you make yourself as appealing as possible?

Here are some things you can do:

  • Always dress to impress.
  • Use clothes that make you feel the most confident.
  • Become the epitome of confidence.
  • Always have great body language, stand up straight, shoulders back, smile more than you think you should, etc.
  • Be really good at something. It can be a sport, a skill, whatever really.
  • Have something that sets you apart.

Have Something To Offer

To truly make a guy attracted to you, you need to have something to offer to him so you gain his respect.

Let me illustrate what I mean with a story from back when I was in college:

So, back then I was really into music and this girl in my class always wanted me to help her out. It got to the point where it actually got quite annoying because all she did was ask for help and ask for advice.

She didn't bring anything to the table.

Eventually I think she realized this and showed up one day with a USB-stick with some songs she thought I would like.

After that, we started talking more and she started showing me new songs and sharing me links to new songs on social media. My willingness to help her instantly skyrocketed.

Now, why do you think that is? 

Because I got something in return? No.

It was because I just respected her more when I realized she actually had something to offer.

This exact same principle will apply to getting a boyfriend in college. 

You need to provide some sort of value for a guy to completely respect you and make him see you as someone worth dating.

When You Find An Attractive Guy, Know How To Text Him

Texting is criminally underrated when it comes to attracting a man.

People think that most attraction happens face to face... which is completely incorrect.

In today's society, most people are texting constantly. Setting up dates virtually and just generally getting to know each other through their phones.

Here is the catch:

The way most girls go about texting completely ruins any chances they might have had at attracting a guy.

So, how do we fix this?

Well, for this issue, I will not actually be your teacher.

Instead, I will link you down below a recently gone viral "text messaging video" that features dating expert Amy North.

She will teach you everything you need to know to powerfully attract a man all through your cellphone... and keep him that way.

Don't believe me?

Well, just watch the video and thank me later!

Click Here To Discover A Text Message That Will Make The Man You Send It To Completely Crazy. Become His Guilty Pleasure Tonight. (Video Tutorial).


That's pretty much it. That's how to get a boyfriend in college.

What you now need to do is go out there and actually use these tips. Meet new people and attract that special someone.

Don't just read this article and then do nothing. Take action!

Good luck!

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