His Secret Obsession Review – My Friends INSANE Results

Are you someone who wants to understand the ways to a man's heart? Someone, who wants to know what men secretly and deeply desire? Someone, who wants to know how you can make men completely obsessed with you? If so, I'm going to need your attention for a few minutes.

Hi there!

My name is Chris, and in this article, I'm going to give you my in-depth His Secret Obsession review. I'm going to thoroughly explain what it is,  why it has been hitting the dating world like a hurricane, and how this all benefits you. 

Let's begin.

What Is His Secret Obsession?

Getting a guy to like you can seem like an impossibly daunting task.

I mean, the fact that you aren't a supermodel now means that you can never attract the guy of your dreams right?


It is usually accepted by the general public that most men have no idea how women actually work, and what actually drives the opposite sex to get attracted to them.

What isn't so talked about though is the fact that the same thing applies to women. To most women, attracting a guy of their dreams seems like the most impossible uphill battle in the world.

His Secret Obsession is a dating guide designed for women, who want to learn how they can awaken a man's most secret and powerful desire in order to make them magnetically attracted to you.

His Secret Obsession eBook

This book has the ability to change your life forever.

Created by a psychology and relationship expert James Bauer, this comprehensive guide is meant for women who aren't satisfied with their current love life.

Whether you are someone who wants to get a genuinely strong and lasting relationship with the man of your dreams, or whether you already are in a relationship but you feel like something is "missing", this book is for you.

What's Included With His Secret Obsession?

Upon downloading, you get an eBook with 17 modules, all covering various topics connecting to how you can become a literal magnet to male attraction.

Oh, and by the way, you didn't read that wrong. 17 modules. From a psychology and relationship expert with over 12-years of experience. Enough said.

The modules are really easy to navigate through and if you aren't a fan of reading, Bauer has got you covered.

You see, His Secret Obsession is available in audio form too. You can literally be sitting at work while simultaneously soaking up information of the male mind through your headphones.

The topics covered are extremely comprehensive, yet they are easy to understand. That's where this guide really shines in my opinion.

You aren't going to be reading this book and then preparing months to start actually using the advice. Instead, the advice is practical and you can start seeing results immediately.

As soon as you have understood everything Bauer has to teach, you can start applying the advice and seeing how men begin to treat and see you in a completely different way.

In fact, Bauer is so confident in his methods that he is currently offering something completely insane: a 60-day satisfaction guarantee.

If you purchase the book, read the methods taught in it and you for some reason don't start seeing results in your dating life, Bauer will give you a full refund within 60 days. 

His Secret Obsession module list

In my opinion, that should already speak for itself when it comes to the success rate of this book.

Some of the things you will be learning include:

  • How you can make the man of your choice feel a burning desire for you.
  • How you can awaken a powerful desire in the man you choose and get him completely obsessed with you.
  • Tricks to let a man subconsciously know that you are relationship material.  
  • Getting your dream guy to actually commit.
  • How you can make a man pay way more attention to you and get him attracted to you like a magnet.
  • If you have gone through a breakup - learning how you can get your man to chase you again.
  • Why men usually lose interest in a relationship and ways to counteract it.

The best part about all of this? The whole guide is available instantly on Bauer's website. You can literally get access to it in 2 minutes so there is no waiting around for the mailman or for the shipping to arrive and you can start your journey to becoming a magnet to male attraction today.

The main topic this book is focused on is something Bauer calls The Hero Instinct.

Now, to quote Bauer himself:

“The Hero Instinct is a powerful biological drive that every man has. It's something he craves more than love, more than money, even more than sex.”

-Author James Bauer

According to Bauer, once you understand this life long obsession in a man, we will make it his mission to cherish and please you and he will chase your love to the ends of the earth. 

Now, down below, I have linked a video that's going to explain in-depth how you can trigger this drive in a man. 

I'm being serious here, if you want to get that special guy completely obsessed with you, watch the video down below. You can thank me later.

his secret obsession video preview

Watch the video.

As a guy myself, when I first heard about this "secret biological drive" I wasn't very convinced. Upon reading the book myself though, my thought process went from "wait, this guy actually knows what he's talking about" to "holy s***, this is a goldmine for women".

The Hero Instinct takes advantage of men's masculine and primal instincts. 

In the book, Bauer thoroughly explains how every man needs to feel irreplaceable and how women can take advantage of this with The Hero Instinct.

It applies to the masculine and primal instincts of men and you will be taught how to effortlessly trigger this drive in the man you choose, without him even being aware of it.

Pros And Cons


  • This is a goldmine of information for women - everything from falling in love to dating is covered. 
  • Instantly applicable - you can literally start seeing results today.
  • The advice provided is extremely powerful and proven to work.
  • Comprehensive yet easy to understand - clear and well-informed writing.
  • 60-day money-back guarantee so it's risk-free to try.


  • The word choice "Hero Instinct" is a bit cheesy in my opinion and doesn't give justice to the powerfulness of triggering this drive.
  • The price is a bit steep (although there is a crazy 76% discount​ currently running so take advantage of it if you are lucky enough to read this in time).
  • 17 comprehensive modules included which means that it's going to take some time to read - might bother some people.

Results From Using His Secret Obsession - What Can You Expect?

So, what can you actually expect after reading and employing His Secret Obsession?

Well, a while back, I tested that out.

Obviously, as a guy, I can only theoretically validate that the methods taught in this book work. I can't actually go out there and "attract my dream guy".

So, what I did was something different. I have a lot of female friends and His Secret Obsession has been getting a lot of hype lately. It wasn't very hard to get them to read this book and report back to me on how they felt about it. 

The unanimous thing I heard back after they had read this book and had time to test the methods taught was that they felt different.

a beautiful rose

I asked my friends to try out this guide and employ the methods taught in it. The results were convincing to say the least.

Now, as vague as that sounds, that was the thing they all reported back to me. They felt like something was different. They felt like men treated them differently. They felt like getting attention and desire from men was effortless after reading this book.

That's when I knew that this was a goldmine and that I had to write a review about this. 

You see, literally, thousands of women all around the world have reported success after applying the methods taught in His Secret Obsession. 

If you really put in the effort and soak in all the information taught in this book, you will be amazed at how fast things start to click in place.

You will start to notice how all the sudden men start treating you in a different way, how your own confidence skyrockets because you see the effects you now posses on men and how effortless it actually is to attract your dream guy when you know exactly what to do.

Obviously, I can't 100% guarantee your success. That's why the 60-day money-back guarantee I mentioned before is so amazing.

60-day no questions asked money-back guarantee

Don't forget about the money-back guarantee this guide offers.

Literally, there is nothing to lose here. You either succeed and get the guy of your dreams, or you get your money back. Now, I don't know about you, but for me, that is a deal I take every day.

His Secret Obsession Price - Get The Discount While It Lasts

Now, this book sure is effective but how much does it actually cost?

Well, the original price of this eBook is $197. That's pretty much the biggest criticism I have for it. I know it's a pretty steep price to pay but for all the information and value your getting, I still think it's worth it.

However, Bauer is currently running a limited-time discount on his website where the price of His Secret Obsession is reduced to just $47. The sale is not going to last for long so I would hurry up if you are lucky enough to still have it available to you.

Click here to see if the price is still discounted to $47.

Conclusion - Is It Actually Worth It?

So, after all this, is it actually worth it?

Well, I'm sure you have guessed it by now...


I highly recommend this guide to any woman who isn't currently 100% satisfied with their relationship.

You will learn everything you need to know to attract that special someone and build a strong and lasting relationship with them. 

Whether you are someone who has just broken up and wants their ex back or someone who hasn't found that special someone yet...

This book will guide you to your goal!

Well, this is it then. I hope I answered any questions you might have had about His Secret Obsession and if I left something out, feel free to ask me down below and I'll make sure to respond.

Now, it's your time to take action!​​

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