How To Boost Your Metabolism – The Missing Piece To Improved Health

Hi there readers!

Today we are going to be answering a question I've been getting a ton of recently:

"How do I boost my metabolism?"

This is a very important question to ask because as you all know, a healthy metabolism is one of the main things you need to have if you want to have a healthy and well functioning body.

So, my name is Isabella and without further ado, let's get started

Tip #1 Eat More Protein With Your Meals

Eating more protein with your meals can increase your metabolism for a few hours at a time.

If you space out your meals with good balance through the day, you will be feeding your body the proper nutrients it needs constantly and this will lead to a spike in your metabolism.

A protein rich diet will also allow you to build muscle more easily especially if you are working out because protein is the key amino acid needed for muscle growth.

Protein will also make you feel more full which will prevent you from overeating and crashing your metabolism.

Tip #2 Drink More Water

People who drink water throughout the day have a faster and more effective metabolism because they avoid spikes in their insulin that are caused by sugary drinks.

Drinking water also means you will consume no liquid calories through the day which will make your lifestyle easier to sustain.

Water also increases your metabolism temporarily which will mean you will be able to eat more through the day.

So many women and men (me included) don't get enough hydration through the day and it is crucial to change this fact.

A good rule of thumb to remember is that if you are thirsty, you've already waited too long and you should have drank water before you started feeling thirsty.

It isn't a big effort to bring a water bottle with you everywhere you go and your metabolism will thank you for it!

Tip #3 Do A Workout That's High Intensity

A high intensity workout basically means that you will be working out in short bursts very intensely and then resting until it's time to go again.

This type of a workout has been proven to help increase your metabolism because of what's known as the afterburn effect where you will burn calories even after your workout is over.

Next time you are going for a jog, consider running in short bursts.

Tip #4 Drink Green Tea

Drinking green tea has been shown to be very effective at short term boosts in your metabolism.

Green tea is low in calories and it will heat up your body nicely.

There have also been studies that indicate drinking tea's to have no impact on your metabolism but every time I've tried this tip my self, it has worked for me really effectively so I would highly suggest you to try it!

Tip #5 Get Enough Sleep Every Night

Your body needs rest and it is absolutely stunning to me how many adults do not get enough sleep at night and thus suffer from memory issues, brain fog and a decrease in their metabolism.

Some tips that could help you have a better nights sleep include avoiding all blue light that comes from TV and phone screens for a few hours before it's time to sleep.

You could also try making your room colder as sleeping in a hot room makes it more difficult to fall asleep and enjoy quality rest.

If you're currently not sleeping well, I think it's essential that you do everything in your power to try to increase the amount of quality sleep you get per night.

Tip #6 Eat Spicy Foods

Spicy food contains nutrients that have been proven to temporarily increase your metabolism and thus allow you to eat more food throughout the day.

If your stomach can handle it, I would suggest you to add some pepper or chili to every one of your meals and just see if it is effective for you.

Some people may run into digestive issues but if you can handle spicy food or even enjoy it, this is a great tip for you!

Tip #7 Lift Things That Are Heavy

The more muscle you have on your body, the more calories your body will naturally burn while resting and thus the faster your metabolism will be.

If you can go to the gym to pick up some heavy stuff and workout consistently, I can guarantee you that your metabolism will thank you for it.

If you combine this with tip #1 and eat a protein rich diet, you will be well on your way to a healthier body and a faster metabolism.

Tip #8 Replace Sitting With Standing

If you work a desk job for example, try standing up for 1/3 of your shift for example.

Standing up will force your body to tap into it's energy stores and allow you to eat more through the day.

Sitting has also been compared to smoking because of it's bad effects on your health so if you can replace the tasks you do sitting down with doing them standing up, your body will thank you for it!

Tip #9 Avoid Bad Fats In Your Diet

Saturated fats are simply bad for your body and I do not think this will come as a surprise for you.

Let's say you need to use some oil for a food you are making.

Instead of using saturated fats to cook it like butter, try using coconut oil!

Coconut oil has a unique fatty acid profile and some studies have shown it to have benefits for not only your metabolism, but also your general well being!


There you have it ladies! My 9 tips on how to boost your metabolism quickly and effectively.

I really hope you enjoyed these tips and definitely let me know in the comments below which tips you found the most effective!

Until next time, 


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