How To Make Your Man Feel Loved – My Best Advice

I felt my heart turn ice cold when the words left his mouth...

"She was just better in the bedroom. There is no other way to put it. She knew exactly what to say to turn me on like crazy. I'm talking about dirty talk that made me legitimately lose my mind..."

Yeah. I had come home early, and apparently my boyfriend and his friend hadn't heard me.

"I'm home" I yelled, acted like I hadn't heard anything, gave him a kiss and wandered off into our bedroom."

But the damage had been done.

It felt like I had just been kicked in the stomach.

My name is Isabella, and I had no idea about this...

I had no idea that while I was thinking our sex life was amazing and he enjoyed it, in reality he was secretly thinking about his ex and her "amazing dirty talking abilities".

This was WORSE than my worst nightmare... WAY worse.

I mean, I didn't think I was some sex GODDESS... but I thought I was completely competent at it. He always told me he enjoyed our sex life... so what was I missing here?

Sitting there on my bed feeling hopeless, I realized I basically had two options in front of me.

I could either get mad at him, expose that I heard what he said to his friend, cause a fight and blame him for everything...

Or I could research and learn EXACTLY what his wonderful ex knew that I didn't... And then get even better than her at dirty talk... So good that he would rather chew glass than ever even think about her ever again.

I'm not an overly competitive person... I really am not. But when I started thinking about my two options I quickly started seeing option 2 -  learning what her ex knew as the more attractive option.

In fact, I felt as if some higher primal power took over me and I HAD to know what I was missing in our sex that she knew.

So I started googling...

And then googling some more...

"Studies prove that as many as 90% of guys have fantasies about their ex or other women during sex."

"Anonymous men reveal that dirty talk is the #1 thing they feel is missing in their sex life."

I was getting furious.

My head was a complete mix of "Men are pigs" and "I NEED to learn this".

Dirty talk clearly was the key to the puzzle I was missing. But HOW could I get good at it. WHAT was I supposed to say? All the advice I found in my googling session just felt awkward and like something I could never say.

And that's when I found it.

That something was a dating forum I happened to stumble upon.

In there I found hundreds upon hundreds of women just like me, discussing their sex lives and relationships.

There were women of all ages trying to help each other out with unique situations and tips on how to improve and spice up a relationship.

However, when I browsed through the forum more and more, I couldn't help but notice something extremely strange about the people who typed in there.

There were probably 30-40 posts I went through, and all of them mentioned something along the lines of:

"Got Thompson's guide last week and it has completely saved my life... All the advice on the emotions to trigger in him, how to make him miss you when you are away and how to make him sexually obsessed is invaluable."

"Thompson's guide exceeded even my wildest expectations. I have NEVER seen my man act this way with lust and determination to please ME."

"GODDAMN that was effective... And to think just a few weeks ago I was crying myself to sleep thinking our sex life was doomed and he would never stop watching porn".

I was getting super confused.

Who was this "Thompson"?

What was this guide they were talking about?

How were there so women talking about the same thing?

Then, I went to the "most popular" section of the forum, and everything became crystal clear to me.

In there, I found a post titled "Want to make your man sexually obsessed with you without even touching him? Check this out."

I read the post, and basically it told me that there was an exclusive guide out there you could get published by someone called Luke Thompson, detailing exactly how to change your sex life in a way that would practically guarantee that they would never even be able to think about anyone else or even watch porn.

As selfish as this might be, the above sounded exactly like something I would use one of my wishes for, if a magical fairy came up to me and gave me 3 wishes to use for anything I wanted.

That's how badly I wanted this.

Immediately, my mind started playing tricks on me...

I started fantasizing what it would feel like to be the center of every one of his dirty thoughts...

What it would feel like to have him obsess over me like I was some sort of a sexual goddess...

Most importantly, what it would feel like to give him pleasure unlike anything he has ever experienced in his life before...

Needless to say, I clicked on the link that took me to the introductory page to this guide, took a deep breath... And started reading Luke's page that was now presented right in front of me.

By the end of the page, I wanted to scream with joy.

I knew that this was it.

I knew that THIS... THIS was what I needed to get my man crazy about me again. THIS is what was going to rescue my relationship and happiness.

Everything about what Luke was saying made perfect sense to me.

Now, I’m not going to share everything about this technique here, you’ll have to go to the site and learn it yourself, but here’s a couple of neat little things you need to know about it before you can make him sexually obsessed with you:


Chances are, you're like me and you've always thought that to be a woman he truly WORSHIPS and DROOLS and OBSESSES over in the bedroom, you can't have a flabby stomach, or the big thighs, or the saggy butt like I have. But this is not actually true. As long as you fulfill his deepest desires and fantasies with your words, he will see you as the most incredible and sexy woman ever.


You're going to have to accept the importance of dirty talk in a relationship, no matter how it makes you feel. 

If you have a ladylike public persona out in public but behind closed doors you let out explicit phrases that make his head spin wild, the contradiction gives him a big charge of excitement. He knows that he is the only one who gets to see this naughty side of you. Like he’s the one who inspires you to be like this and this really strokes a man's ego in a good way... And as we all know, a man's ego is your best friend.


In order to truly make him think "that was insanely hot", you need to learn the very essence of WHY behind dirty talk, not just copy some words or sentences and say them. 

You need to tap into his primal, subconscious feelings and plant the seeds of passion, romance, and sexuality so that he can't imagine himself with anyone else. There are very specific methods that are guaranteed to achieve this and Thompson's technique teaches them all to you.

But back to my story... What actually happened after I applied Thompson's technique?

Well, I have to say. The results were ridiculous. Better than I could have even imagined.

I won't go into too much detail as to what exactly happened but I will say that it involved a lot of moaning and almost animal like groaning on his part. I was doing and saying things to him I thought I could never do and I could just SEE his face light up. It was crazy I felt like I was a part of the Harry Potter universe and I was casting some sort of a love spell on him.

I don't want to turn this blog into an erotic novel but seriously, it was INSANE.

He couldn't stop asking me where I had learned all of this... And I just gave him a flirty smile and said "Don't worry about it..."

It's safe to say that afterwards, I felt like I was completely on top of the world and like I had just unlocked a superpower.

It has now been a month since that night... And I have to say, it has probably been the wildest month of our relationship.

I'm no mind reader... But I can quite confidently say that he is not thinking about his ex anymore... Or any other girls for that matter.

Safe to say, if I could, I would send a huge thank you card to the people in that dating forum. Their recommendation literally saved my relationship.

If you want to become truly and utterly magnetic to him, click down below to go to the same exact page I went to where Luke Thompson himself explains how his technique is going to revolutionize your current situation and explain how you can use it to make him desire you in a way where they HAVE to have you.

If you pay attention and follow his advice all the way to the end, before you even know it, your man will be pinning you against your bedroom wall, gazing at you with that look, and kissing you like you're the last person they'll ever kiss.

However, before you go and check out Thompson's guide, a quick disclaimer:

The page you are about to go to reveals a powerful technique that has the potential to get him completely obsessed with you.

ONLY use this method to form a deep and meaningful relationship with a man and do NOT abuse Thompson's technique just so you can toy with his emotions once he is completely devoted to you.

==> Click Here To Discover A Foolproof Technique You Can Use To Become Completely Magnetic To Your Man And Make Him See You As The Sexiest Woman Who Has Ever Walked The Face of The Earth. Start Controlling His Emotions Today.

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