10 Traits Men Find Attractive In Women + The Secret Hollywood Screenwriting Trick

So, you're wondering what kind of traits guys really find attractive? Good, because right now, I'm going to tell you just that.

Here are 10 traits men find irresistibly attractive in women (with explanations under each trait). This is all meant to educate you so don't take anything I'm about to say personally. Take it as a learning experience.

At the end of this article I'll also link you a dramatic complimentary video that is going to teach you how to use the same tricks Hollywood screenwriters use to captivate a man's mind and make him completely obsessed with you.

Combine this article with the complimentary video and I can guarantee you that before you even know it, you will become the last thing he thinks about before he goes to sleep and the first thing he thinks about when he wakes up...

Without further ado, let's get started.

#1 Decisiveness

Decisiveness almost never gets recommended to girls who want to improve their attractiveness and I can never wrap my head around why that is.

It's so attractive to guys when a girl is quick and snappy in her decisions.

Guys are so used to being the ones who always have to make the decisions so if they are having an interaction with a girl and they notice that she is decisive in her actions, it's an immediate boost for her.

Decisiveness is a form of confidence and assertiveness which are both obviously very attractive traits so when you are decisive you are actually showing off more than just one attractive trait.

So many times a girl will just act like a total puppet around a guy and completely plead to everything he says because the girl is afraid of making a mistake and turning the guy off. Don't do this!

Most guys like girls who take at least some form of action in your interactions because this way the guy doesn't have to feel pressured or responsible for what you guys do.

#2 Carefreeness

No trait is as interesting and as fun to be around as someone who is carefree. Someone who doesn't take life too seriously.

When you are carefree, life will be a lot more fun and light-hearted to you.

Besides, most of the stuff happening in life isn't really that serious anyway so there is no reason to be uptight all the time.

Disclaimer: I know that right now with the situation the world is going through, carefreeness may be a hard trait to display... However, it doesn't hurt to try.

Guys don't want to be around someone who is overly tight and someone who is sensitive and gets offended all the time. This is not attractive.

I mean, you yourself would much rather be around someone who is laid back than someone who isn't right? That's the mentality and attitude you want to have and that's what guys are attracted to.

#3 Being Physically Fit

This should really come as no surprise.

Despite what social media or general news would like you to believe, looks do matter to guys but they aren't the end all be all.

Even still, being physically fit and having a nice body will definitely help you to be more attractive to guys. Anyone who tells you otherwise is just straight-up lying to you.

Now, this doesn't mean that you have to look like you workout 7 days a week twice a day. All you have to do is get toned and your attractiveness will skyrocket.

Related: Try This 2-Minute Before Bed Ritual To Naturally Burn Unwanted Fat Without Counting Calories Or Restricting Your Diet. Finally Get The Sexy Body You Deserve.

#4 Being Ambitious

This should honestly be at the top of this list...

You have no idea how attractive being ambitious is to a guy. If you have a goal you want to achieve, tell that to the guy!

If you don't have any goals, get some. It's not very attractive when you have no idea what you want to achieve out of life, or when you have no idea if there is anything at all that you want to accomplish.

So, when you get a goal, stick to it and achieve it! I don't care what it is.

Do you want to be a professional video game player? Cool!

Do you want to win the dog racing world championships? Cool!

Whatever your goals are, be ambitious about them and tell them to guys.

#5 Confidence

Nothing can beat a woman who is just radiating confidence. A woman who doesn't care what others think of her. A woman who knows her value.

When you walk into a room like a model walking down the runway, head up, shoulders back and hips swirling, you will have every guy staring at you

a confident woman

When you are radiating confidence, guys notice it and it's a very good thing.

Seriously, this is a trait that shouldn't surprise you. Everyone is a little insecure and I get that. There is not a single person on this earth that is not insecure about something.

However, when you are confident, guys notice it. There is just a certain vibe that comes from a confident girl and it is extremely attractive.

#6 Not Being Needy

The amount of needy girls I see is ridiculous...

Girls doing stuff like double texting, asking the guy why he doesn't respond to their texts and constantly seeking validation from the guys they are talking to.


Being needy will signal to the guy that you are not desirable. Plain and simple. It's going to signal to him that you aren't worth having because if you were, you wouldn't be acting needy.

When you are not needy it catches the guy by surprise because literally every other girl is needy and constantly seeks validation from him.

It shows him that you don't need his validation and that you are independent. You are a queen!

#7 A Good Sense Of Humor... But There Is A Twist

It probably doesn't shock you when I tell you that a sense of humor is high in the list in terms of attractive traits of a girl.

However, does that mean that men are more attracted to women who make them laugh?

Well... actually, no.

It actually means that men are attracted to women who appreciate THEIR sense of humor so in other words, men want women who are going to laugh at their jokes.

The next time he is cracking those jokes, be sure to laugh at them. He loves it.

#8 Maturity

Women who are psychologically mature are really attractive to men.

Women who don't depend on other people all the time whether the case is for money or for emotional support. These kinds of women are strong enough to handle themselves. They know how to survive as an individual.

They realize who they are and they have accepted it but most importantly, they have their own life. They don't depend on the guy for everything and they don't make their whole life just about the guy.

#9 Honesty

Be honest when you are talking with a guy. If you don't like something he does/says, voice your opinion.

It is not attractive at all when a girl can't just be straight up with a guy and tell him how she feels.

Now, the unfortunate thing here is that literally every girl does this by beating around the bush instead of telling the truth.

Of course, there is a fine line between being honest and being too honest.

You shouldn't be mean to the guy and you shouldn't be insulting him and you already know this.

Just remember, honesty is attractive!

#10 General Happiness

Women who are happy in almost every situation are the epitome of attractiveness.

Guys find it fascinating when a woman can enjoy almost everything in life and turn even the bad things into positive experiences.

a woman's side profile

A happy woman is one of the most attractive things a guy can see.

Also, let's take an example: you are walking down the street and a cute guy is walking towards you. When he walks past you, you lock eyes with him and he has a really happy and vibrant smile on his face while he is looking at you. It feels amazing right?

Now, picture that same situation but amplify the amazing feeling by 10x. That's what a guy feels like when he is with someone who is genuinely happy and smiling.

Secret Hollywood Screenwriting Trick - Complimentary Video


At the beginning of this article I mentioned a complimentary video that was going to explain to you how to use the same tricks Hollywood screenwriters use in their movies to captivate a man's mind and literally FORCE him to feel strong attraction for you.

Down below, I have linked you this special complimentary video where a relationship expert Amy North explains exactly how she discovered these screenwriting tricks and formed them into an easy to follow system you can start using as soon as tonight.

She found that by sending texts using the same formulas Hollywood screenwriters use to keep you watching an addictive show...

You will stir up emotions inside him...

So he can't stop himself from responding to you right away...

And he will think about you non-stop when you're not around...

Causing his feelings for you to deepen and intensify.

In fact, when you send a man this text message...

Don't be surprised if he becomes strangely drawn to you...

And don't be surprised if that man who's been distant in your life begins calling you, texting you, and telling you how he's ready to commit to you... forever and always.

It doesn't matter if you've just met him, or if you're married to him...

If you truly want to learn how to make a man obsess over you with a push of a button (literally), click down below to watch a video presentation where Amy North herself reveals this secret text message that every man is dying to hear.

When you watch this video all the way to the end, you will never have to worry about a man's lack of commitment or attraction again. This simple text message might be the most important thing you will ever send from your phone..

However, before you click the link and watch the video presentation, I have to ask you to agree to two guidelines.

#1 The video you are about to watch reveals a text message that has the potential to get a guy completely obsessed with you. ONLY use this message to form deep and meaningful relationships and do NOT abuse Amy North's tips just so you can toy with men's emotions once they are completely devoted to you.

#2 This presentation is ONLY being made available for a limited time and the server it's on can only take so many people at once. If you're not going to use this text message, please CLOSE THIS WINDOW IMMEDIATELY to free up your server slot for the next person in line.

If you agree to all the above...

==> Click Here To Discover  A Secret Kind Of Text Message That Is Going To Make The Man You Use Send It To Completely Devoted To You, And Only You. Start Controlling His Emotions Today. (Video Tutorial).

Good luck!

14 thoughts on “10 Traits Men Find Attractive In Women + The Secret Hollywood Screenwriting Trick”

  1. This was so valuable… I also watched the video you linked at the end and I have to admit, my jaw dropped to the floor… Currently on week 2 of the full system and couldn’t be happier with the results!

  2. This was sooo helpful to me! Especially the tip about being ambitious… I had never even thought about that. Also used the system you linked and quite frankly, uncovering these secrets about men has been AMAZING! It’s like I finally know WHY he acts the way he does instead of losing sleep over it driving my self crazy with questions..

  3. Never commented on a blog before but just had to drop by and say thank you for introducing me to Amy North! She changed my life!

  4. After adopting a lot of these traits and especially after using the text chemistry system, I can honestly say that men have never treated me like this. It feels like I always know what to say and do to make them desire me like nothing else. Such a great article Chris!

  5. For anyone reading this, you NEED to learn the system that’s taught in the video link! I can’t even begin to explain how much my life has changed in the past 2 weeks after using it!


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