How To Make A Man Feel Appreciated – The Things He Doesn’t Tell You

Hi there readers!

Today, I thought I would answer a question that's been bothering many of my readers:

What do men REALLY want in a woman?

What are the traits and characteristics that men really like?

So, in an order to help you out, here is what I have to say:

Tip #1 The Little Things Mean A Lot More Than You Think

Bring him food after work, buy him that sweatshirt he's been dreaming off or just give him a good neck rub after work.

It's these little things that mean the world to him that usually fly completely under the radar.

As with many things in life, quality over quantity is the name of the game with this tip. You do not have to bring him stuff home every day or surprise him every week.

The more important thing is that when you do, you do it with a passion!

Tip #2 When He Does Something For You, Be Appreciative

If your man does something for you whether that is fixing the kitchen sink or getting you a jar from the top counter, make sure you are appreciative of him because it can be very very easy to take these things for granted.

No matter how "easy" or "simple" the task is, make sure you give him a kiss or a hug or just a thank you afterwards.

I can guarantee you that your man will be smiling in the inside!

Tip #3 Compliment Him In Front Of Others

This is a tip that can skyrocket the way your man sees you.

If you find a way to genuinely flaunt him in front of his friends, co-workers or family, your man will feel absolutely incredible.

You can flaunt how handsome he is, how great his body looks that day or really anything that comes to your mind as long as it is a genuine compliment!

Do not underestimate this tip!

Tip #4 Let Him Do Problem Solving For You

There are a few things men love in this world more than helping women out with their problems.

If you have a problem such as the need to swap out your car tires, let your man do it for you!

It will make him feel incredibly masculine and manly, and as you probably know, this is a feeling men crave on a day to day basis.

If you can give him a feeling where he saved the day, you will be well on your way to fulfilling his deepest desires!

Tip #5 Do Not Let Flirting Come To An End

This is a tip that is so easily forgotten in the modern dating world because break ups are at an all time high.

The further a relationship develops, the more natural it is for flirting to slowly start decreasing.

What I'm suggesting with this tip is that you give it your absolute best to not let this happen in your relationship because the removal of flirting in a relationship can often be a sign that a relationship is becoming stale and boring.

Tip #6 Truly Respect Him

I'm sure you already do respect your man otherwise you wouldn't be reading this article but take some time to think about this:

Are there instances where you shout at him, belittle him or are just generally rude to him for no reason?

If there are and you want to improve your relationship, I highly suggest that you try your hardest to remove these traits because men have more fragile egos than you may think, and there is nothing that can shatter his ego just quite like you can.

Often times we don't even realize we are being disrespectful so if you take the time out to use this tip, he will appreciate you a ton.

Tip #7 When He Wants To Be Alone, Respect His Alone Time

If your man wants to spend some time alone with his friends or with his co-workers, etc, you should really let him go have his fun!

Sometimes, men just want to be alone and it doesn't mean there is something wrong in your relationship or that there is a problem.

When he wants alone time, give it to him!

Tip #8 Take Interest In What He Is Passionate About

Take a second to ask yourself this:

"What is my man truly passionate about?"

Whether that is his career, his hobby, family, etc, take passion in it and try to understand his passions.

This will show him that you really and truly care about him and the things he is doing.

Now, I get it...

If his passion is football and you couldn't care less about it, I'm not saying that you have to force yourself to watch games with him and become a super fan.

All I'm saying is that if you take some time and learn the rules of it for example, your man will see that you truly care about his passions and don't just think they are "silly".

Tip #9 Show Admiration Towards Your Man

If you two have an argument for example and you disagree on something heavily, what I would recommend you do is to respect his opinion and try to see his side of the story.

Show him that you don't just think that he is wrong, you two just disagree.

Pointing out the things he is good at instead of the bad things about him will make him feel good about himself which then will turn into him appreciating you and your relationship more.

Tip #10 Check Him Out

For some reason, a ton of the girls I talk to regularly think that men do not "care about compliments" when in reality this couldn't be further from the truth.

Men LOVE compliments and this is a great news for you.

It means that next time he is without a shirt, you can give him a compliment and just watch how his eyes light up and how good he feels about himself.

As always, it needs to be genuine, I don't just want you to start giving out fake compliments but if you make the genuine, there is nothing wrong with a little ego boost for him!

Tip #11 Fully Trust Him

This may seem like a strange tip but hear me out:

When you really and truly trust your man, a lot of the issues that are so common in relationship suddenly start to diminish.

If he does something "wrong", do your best to not overreact and instead of getting angry at him, try to understand him.

Trust is the foundation upon where a relationship is built and if you don't have a solid foundation, you are not going to go very far.


And that my ladies wraps it up!

I hope you enjoyed this article and as always, I want to hear what you think in the comment section down below.

Have a good day and I'll see you in the next article!

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