How To Make Your Man Crave You – The Skill That Drastically Improves Relationships

Hello there lovely readers!

Today we are going to be diving into a topic that is really close to my heart:

"How do I make my man crave me more?"

How do I make him feel like the loving and amazing man that he is?

How do I make him feel special?

In today's article, we are going to be answering all of the above questions.

So, without further ado, let's begin.

Tip #1 Do Special Surprises For Him

Special things you could do to your man include a lot of things:

They could be breakfasts in bed, they could mean surprising him with a new shirt ( a one that he will like) or it could even mean a full blown date night with him.

Special surprises could even mean giving him a neck massage. They don't have to be huge gifts or expensive trips. Men appreciate the little things more than you think!

Tip #2 Ask Him To Do Things He Deems "Manly"

This may seem like a weird tip but trust me, it works like magic.

Let's picture a scenario where you are sitting with him in the kitchen and you want to open a jar of pickles.

Sure, you have the strength to open the jar yourself but here is another option:

Give the jar to your man and say "could you please open this for me".

When he pop's the jar open he will feel so good about himself I can't even describe it.

He will feel like he totally saved the day and like you couldn't have opened the jar without him.

Just try it and see how effective this is.

Tip #3 Be Interested In His Passions

Whatever his passions are and however "silly" they may seem to you, they obviously mean a lot to him... And for that reason alone, you should really take interest in his passions.

Look, I'm not telling you to force yourself into something you absolutely hate. All I'm saying is that if his passion for example is golf, you should take the time out of your day to at least learn the rules of it and just watch how happy and appreciated he will feel... And when he feels this way he will crave you unlike you've never seen before.

Tip #4 Flaunt Him In Front Of Other People

By other people I especially mean flaunting him in front of people he appreciates.

These could be his work mates, friends, family or even random people he respects.

When you are surrounded by these people, compliment your man in any way that you know he likes to get complimented at.

You could tell him how handsome he is, how muscular he is or even how he fixed the kitchen sink the other day.

This will again make him smile on the inside which in turn will lead to him wanting you more!

It's simple but it works.

Tip #5 When He Wants To Be Alone, Let Him

Sometimes, men just want to be alone... And there is nothing wrong with that.

A man wanting some alone time isn't some alarming flag that your relationship is going downhill like some women make it out to be.

Him wanting alone time simply just means exactly that: He wants alone time... And you should give it to him.

You see, after his alone time is done, he will feel refreshed and happy again... And who knows, maybe you will even ignite a new spark inside him towards you!

Tip #6 Check Him Out

For some weird reason, there is a super common misconception out there that men "do not care" about compliments or they don't need them as much as women.

Now yes, it may be true that men do not care about compliments AS much as women but seriously, men need compliments too.

I know some of you are reading this right now and thinking "yeah but complimenting a man is so hard", so here are some examples for you:

-You can compliment his body

-His facial hair (if he has some)

-His smell

-His jokes

-The food he cooked etc.

The possibilities really are endless!

Tip #7 Make Small Changes For A Big Difference

Bring in small changes in your lifestyle or the way you look and I guarantee you that your man will take notice fast!

The catch here is that you need to make sure that you know what he likes and then act accordingly. 

Examples of this include wearing good lipsticks, getting a haircut, wearing a beautiful dress or tying your hair differently.  These small changes go a long way to get your man’s attention.

Tip #8 Remember To Be Flirty

Flirting is something that often gets forgotten when a relationship develops further.... And I can tell you for a straight fact that this is the sole reason so many relationships eventually end o a breakup.

Simply put, lack of flirting indicates that the spark in a relationship is fading... And when that spark is fading you need to spice things up and remember to flirt with your man!

Tease him, make fun of him, touch him, do whatever you can to be flirty and I guarantee you that your man will crave you more afterwards.

Tip #9 Bring Memories Into Your Conversations

Include your good memories with him in your conversations. Take him down the memory lane and remind him of how you fell for him, what attracted you to him the most and so on.

This will trigger love hormones in his brain and it will make him say "wow, I love this woman".

Tip #10 Avoid Fights At All Costs

This is probably the most underrated tip of this article.

Now, yes, sometimes you will get into fights in a relationship. It is inevitable and fights are not the end of the world.

What matters is how you act in those fights.

No matter how angry you are, do not belittle your man or call him names that make him feel really bad about himself.

If he has exposed insecurities to you, do not attack them and try to control your anger when the time comes.

I guarantee you, this will go a long way.

Tip #11 Say The Word "Thank You"

If your man does something nice for you, please say the words "thank you" to him.

It is such a simple phrase to say yet it makes such a big difference in the way your man feels afterwards.

If he does the dishes, thank him. If he buys you flowers, thank him. Whatever he does that is nice of him, make sure you thank him!


There you have it ladies, that's all I have for you today!

As always, I would love to hear your feedback down below of what you though about this article!

Until next time,


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