Is My Ex Trying To Make Me Jealous? – 4 SECRET Signs To Tell

In this article, I'm going to be providing an answer to a question a lot of you might be desperately trying to find the answer to:

"Is my ex trying to make me jealous"?

If you are someone who is hoping that one day, you will be back together with your ex, finding out that they are trying to make you jealous would feel pretty valuable wouldn't it?

But how can you actually tell when your ex trying to do this instead of just your mind playing tricks on you?

Let's find out.

Is My Ex Trying To Make Me Jealous?

Sign #1 Social Media

Pretty much everyone is on social media these days. It doesn't matter whether it's Instagram, Facebook, Twitter etc. Everybody and their uncle is in there.

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Now, when trying to figure out whether or not your ex is trying to make you jealous, pay close attention to how they are acting on social media and compare that to how they previously acted there.

unlocking an iphone

Your ex's actions on social media can signal a lot to you.

Where they completely silent before? Didn't really share much?

Now they are consistently posting about their "awesome life"?

Yup, they are trying to make you jealous.

You see, your ex can actually signal a lot to you without saying a single word, all thanks to social media.

Try to also figure out whether or not the things they are posting could be aimed at you.

Are they referencing things only you and a few other people know about?

Are they acting emotionally on social media? 

Posting a lot of pictures with the opposite sex or even posting on social media about someone new they are seeing?

All of this could indicate that they are actually trying to make you jealous.

Case Study : How I Got My Ex Back In Less Than 14 Days Using This Strange Method From A Facebook Group

Sign #2 They Act Overly Happy Around You

You know how it goes...

You're at the mall and you accidentally bump into your ex.

Now, you might even be employing no contact at the moment but you still decide to have a catch up with them.

Then, they tell you how awesome their life is currently. How everything is going great. All while having a smile up to their ears.

It might just be that they are faking this positivity and happiness in order to make it seem like they are actually doing much better than they are.

woman in the back of a man

If you get a feeling that they are acting too happy when they are around you, something is up.

You see, no matter who initiated the breakup, both parties will still have some strong emotions afterwards.

So, even if your ex was the one to dump you, it's not like this new amazing life with sunshine and rainbows starts immediately after they leave you.

The funny thing is, your ex might not even be faking this positivity intentionally. It can happen on a subconscious level too.

Sign #3 They Showcase Their New Boyfriend/Girlfriend To You

This is a strong one.

If you have any hopes of getting back together with them, it can feel absolutely devastating to see them date someone else.

I have good news for you though.

If your ex gets into a new relationship right after you two break up, they are in what's called a rebound relationship and these relationships don't usually last long.

lovers kissing at a field

It's hard to see them with someone new but just know that these quickly found relationships don't actually last very long.

Let's imagine a situation where you accidentally run into your ex and they happen to be with their rebound.

Are they all the sudden touching and acting really close to this new person they are dating?

In a way where they are almost trying to signal to you: "hey, look at how fast I moved on from you"?

It actually might very well be the case that they aren't doing this because they all the sudden want to actually be close to this new partner they have.

Instead, it's because they want to make you jealous.

This is a thing your ex knows very well will make you jealous so it's both a very smart yet a very mean move from them.

Sign #4 They Tell You Things They Know Would Make You Jealous

Let's picture another situation.

You are at that same mall you were in sign #2.

This time around though, instead of them acting overly happy around you, they tell you things they very well know will create some jealousy within you.

They tell you how this person at work is constantly hitting on them. They tell you about this great date they went on last Saturday.

a couple kissing

If they intentionally tell you things they very well know would make you jealous, it's a clear sign.

It's almost like they are showing these things down your throat.

Not literally obviously but they are intentionally telling you things that they know would make you jealous if you had any kind of feelings for them.

PRO TIP : 3 Psychological Tactics To Force Your Ex To Come Crawling Back To You

Why Would My Ex Be Trying To Make Me Jealous?

Reason #1 They Still Have Feelings For You

Let's get the most obvious one out of the way first.

Yes, them trying to make you jealous is a big sign they could give you if they wanted you back. 

Them doing this means they are testing you to see how you would react.

I would definitely say that the most common reason your ex would be trying to make you jealous is that they still have feelings for you.

Reason #2 Their Ego

Yes, unfortunately, this can also be a possibility.

You see, human beings are egotistical.

Your ex wants to feel wanted. You want to feel wanted. Everyone does.

That's just how we work and it might be the case that the reason why they are trying to make you jealous is purely egotistical.

It's kind of like validating themselves. They just got off a relationship by breaking up with you and now they want to feel wanted again.

hugging at a rockformation

Unfortunately, humans are egotistical and we want to feel wanted.

They could do this by getting into a rebound relationship as I mentioned above.

Now, it's quite sad that people feel the need to do this and it really speaks about the self-esteem of the person doing this but regardless, it does happen.

Reason #3 They Are Angry At You

Being angry at you for something is another reason your ex could be trying to create jealousy within you.

This is their idea of "getting back at you".

Now, you might even deserve this, if you cheated on them with their best friend for example but ex's don't normally do this unless you did something actually bad and if you did, you probably already know why they are doing this.

holding hands and watching sea

If you have done something bad, this could be their "payback". You would have had to do something really bad though.

Final Words

As some final words, remember to not over-analyze.

It can be very easy to fall into the trap where you start to over-analyze your ex's every movement and start becoming obsessed with them.

After that happens, I guarantee you that absolutely everything will seem like they are trying to make you jealous.

Case Study : How I Got My Ex Back In Less Than 14 Days Using This Strange Method From A Facebook Group

Now, if you see any of these signs in your ex, good.

Just don't start creating these fantasies in your head where you think they are trying to make you jealous when in reality they aren't doing that at all.

Anyways folks, that's all I have for you today.

Good luck out there!

14 thoughts on “Is My Ex Trying To Make Me Jealous? – 4 SECRET Signs To Tell”

  1. Do you think your case study can be applied to a situation where he dumped me just out of the blue? I really love him and I want him back desperately…

    • Hi Amelia and thanks for the comment! To answer your question, I obviously can’t GUARANTEE you anything, but I would say that as long as you follow Browning’s advice to the TEE, you have a great shot at still getting them back:)

    • Well, you have nothing to lose and wondering “what if” for the rest of your life is a terrible feeling to have…

      • You were right! I went for it and it worked! Not saying it was easy… but Browning broke everything down so well that at the end of the day, I was never confused and always knew what to do! Thank you for the advice!

  2. Thank you for this article and more importantly, thank you for that video link to Browning’s ex factor guide! It helped me out so much in getting them back!

  3. Well, I don’t think they we’re trying to make me jealous but I still did get them back!!! Thank you for this article thank you so much!


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